Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Part time gig...

OK folks, I'll write a more serious post later but I wanted to get this one out there... As most of you know, I teach for a living. That's my real bona-fide career. We all know that teachers do not do what we do for the $$ because we get paid pennies. Normally, I'm not one to complain about money and for the most part, I've been happy with the money I make and the benefits that I have. Knuckleheads aside, I truly enjoy my line of work. However. You knew that had to be coming right?? However... with gas and food prices rising with no relief in site, increasing problems with our economy and the decline of the American Dollar it's really putting a hole in my pockets. I personally don't have any major bills. I have two cars in MY name and the titles are tucked away safely in my file cabinet. We own our house and I rarely charge stuff. But we have medical bills in this house that are not going to ease up any time soon. Soo, a friend and I brainstormed some things we could do to bring in extra cash without spending 1 million MORE hours hustling. We came up with trying our hand at SlumberParties. No, not the sleepover kind... Well, we must have expensive tastes because when we started researching and settled on the one we wanted to do business with, we found out, we can't just buy the kit and get started, we have to write an ESSAY to prove we were uninhibited enough to be part of the company!! I guess we went for the motherload of Slumber parties when we chose that one. When I think about it, I can't really blame the company...
Back to the basis of the post though. My Partner was NO WHERE to be found when it was time to write that lovely little essay so I had to produce that erotic story on my own...
Soooo, if you see me sporting some new digs at the end of the summer, you'll know that my essay was OFF DA CHAIN!! Those people who know me would NEVA believe it and I sooo love that!
By the way, the company is eroticanoir, a division of businesses by the Author ZANE...


Beautifully.Conjured.Up said...

I know about SlumberParties :) I went to one, and it was a blast. The lady who was the host was so much fun...I also bought a few items (although I have yet to use them).

12kyle said...

can't knock tha hustle. you gotta do what you gotta do to get that cheddah!

i'm hoping that it goes well. i got my eye on a SCSU hoodie that you can buy me for my bday. lmao!!!

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

think i can write that essay?

Dione said...

BCU-Girl, dust off those products and send me a review so I can give real opinions when I begin my business!! Nice hairdo! Do you blowdry your hair each time you wash it?

12kyle- Weellll, glad I have until December to get that hoodie. If I'm rolling in the dough, your gift will be on the way!

RawDawg- After reading the PP Post from the other day, I can say with 1,000,000% confidence that you can write that essay! I'm still trying to cool off from reading that one!! If my essay is rejected, I'm coming straight to your store, sit down and have some wine while you hook a sista up with the killa words...