I'll be the first to admit that I have a romantic view of life. I like to think that in the end, everything will always work out and happily ever after will happen for everyone. Lately, my eyes have been pryed open whether I wanted it to happen or not... This is one of those times.
The unmitigated gall of a public servant to post obviously derogatory comments without care nor concern for ALL the people is beyond what my common sense and political support can handle. I'm sarcastic. It's in my personality and I know how to get under someones skin when I'm tired of going tit for tat and I want someone out of my hair; but, I'm a well educated professional and I know when and where to allow sarcasm to rear her ugly head. This man (and I use that term loosely) could care less that he has alienated a large portion of South Carolina residents. We are supposed to be more progressive than this... We come from determined stock. Our state showed up in record breaking numbers to vote for Obama during the Democratic primaries and well exceeded republican primary numbers by the thousands... Sen. Kevin Bryant and those that are showing support for him, how could you just blow that off like you can still carry this backward way of thinking into OUR future?? How can you still sit on your high horse and pretend that YOU aren't the change that WE are talking about when WE win this election??
This is asinine and it's making me puke.
I'm ashamed.
because there are MORE people out here that think just like him
because we happily put him in office
because his views affect my students and the funding we DON'T get to give them the best education they deserve
because he sees NOTHING wrong with posting ish like that on his website
because my state was 1st to secede from the Union but only because we WANTED to keep slavery alive...
because we are STILL fighting about having a Confederate flag on our statehouse grounds where people like Senator Bryant make decisions on MY behalf
because HE's not MAD as hell about the state of our economy and he doesn't see that a vote for McCain is a vote for 4 MORE years of the same Dubya administration
It is AMAZING that I live among such people. I'll pause for the moment of silence you obviously need after reading that atrocity...
Now, for those of you that would like to try and stop me from opening up this:

Senator Bryant's CELL phone number and address are posted on his Senate page. I would like for you to kindly step aside...
Until next time, I'll be working on a few Social Action Items...
I remain,

Go get him Girl...I feel you!
On one hand, I'm shocked...on the other I'm not...ignorance is everywhere, and its sad that people tend to dwell in it.
@ Dione
Being from the "good ole boy" state of South Carolina, I'll say that I'm not surprised. If they are bold enough to post something like this...you can only imagine what they'll say behind closed doors.
I think most folks need to really do their homework on the people that they vote (or don't vote) for.
Good post
Babygirl, we can't ever disassociate ourselves from fools...but we can take a stand, and refuse to be fooled! I hear you loud and clear.
dont let them distract u
thats what they want
Sorry. I don't stand between a can or wup ass and it's intended recipient! Only 10 oz.? You might need two!
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