Snuggling underneath a warm blanket with the one you love in the middle of winter...
Time change in the fall...

Having someone else wash my hair...
Getting money I never expected...
How Obama is just so damn cool...

Those few friends I have that really understand ME! They don't let me down and they are there exactly when I need them. Whether I called them or not...
Catching up with old friends and feeling like time never passed...

Snow Crab Legs...
Accomplishment of a tough task...
A cold nose and cuddle time with my doggie...
A good movie with a happy ending...
Seeing the light bulb go off when a student finally understands...
Final car payments...
Seeing a man truly appreciate the beauty of a woman. One that gives sincere compliments, not a gawk or a stare and most certainly not crass statements about a woman's body parts...
A well put together melody...
Southern Sweet Tea. Enough said...

Curling up with a good book and no distractions for hours...
My people...
How my family just fits together like the patchwork quilts my grandma used to make...
My list could go on and on, but I must get back to work! Take time today to reflect on those things that make you smile. Then, SMILE!
Until next time... pay no attention to those pesky gas signs...

Oops! That was a pity party remark! Sarcasm is creeping back upon my shoulders...