Dog days of summer are supposed to be gone but a few hot days still linger here and there. It was beautiful this weekend and I was able to enjoy Fall For Greenville without sweating too many buckets at the outdoor festival. That would not be good for me during my natural hair journey!
I spent quite a lot of time people watching, like I always do and as usual, folks didn't disappoint this weekend. Where is our fashion sense or is there none anymore? Makes me think I can just put on whatever no matter how it fits! My, my, my and not in the Johnny Gill sense of the word. I did enjoy spending time with my Soror and her 5 month old son who is amazing. Thankfully, I've not been bitten by the baby bug but I enjoyed watching this wonderful little boy discover the world. I've come to the realization, painfully I might add, that I must stop and enjoy life and spend time with my family and friends now. I always say I don't have time but doggone it, I'll do it before it kills me! My dog sang a song for me this weekend. His vocals are getting stronger. Lol! This time he's chosen Miss Independent by NeYo. He's a funny pup. I'm glad he chose me...
"I still find each day too short for all the thoughts I want to think, all the walks I want to take, all the books I want to read, and all the friends I want to see." - John Burroughs
There's barely enough minutes in the day to finish the bare minimum on my workload, much less enjoy precious moments with family and friends. I've cone to the realization that it'll always be this way unless I make a change and step away from minute things that will always be there.
Deep breath. Ahhhhh. Refreshing!
Goodbye paperwork... Hello fun!
What a magnificent view! Taken while I sat on the runway in Dallas, TX. God is amazing. Today, ask yourself not how you can include him in your plans, rather how will he include you in his.
If you know me, you've heard the news that I recently had to put my beloved chow mix, Imani, to sleep. She had advanced in age and had numerous problems including blindness, joint issues and in the last few days, incontinence. She was my first baby and I'd had her as a very young puppy. She was mixed with an American Terrier (commonly known as a Pitt Bull) but she was the sweetest and most gentle combination of two commonly feared breeds. She did have a ferocious bark but once you got in the door, it was tummy rubs until your arm got tired.. I knew in my heart of hearts that Imani was nearing the end of a good quality of life. I also knew that with the recent loss of my mother in December of 2009 AND the loss of my first puppy would be like a double whammy. In the back of my mind, I was thinking of the type of dog I would wanted to add to my family. I guess fate, or good Karma led my path to cross with Tonka, my new furkid. Never would I have considered a Siberian Husky as a dog breed for me. A tenant in my rental property asked if she could have a dog and I consented. My neighbor had a coworker that had a litter of huskies and could not keep them all. They were all sooooooo cute and my tenant just had to have one. I ended up babysitting and totally fell in love with this animated and charismatic black and white furball. Sooooooo, I kept him :-) and he's been a great companion and gives me a good laugh, as well as a run for my exercise money daily. (that's a good thing...) Before Imani passed, I bought her a pet stroller (yes, she had a stroller for dogs. I couldn't take one dog for a walk and not the other...) I'd hook Tonka's leash around the handlebar and let him help me pull Imani around the park. That was a BIG help and it's what he was bred for... Tonka and Imani got along fairly well. Tonka was a bit high strung but at least they could sit side by side like siblings and not fight :-) Imani would of course take the attitude that she's the head dog around here and ignore Tonka and all of his squeaky toys. Tonka, being a puppy, could've cared less, he just wanted to play. It was my dysfunctional furkid family.
The day I didn't come home with Imani was of course a sad day for me. I went to my room and just sat in the chair and stared into space. As I sat there, I heard this strange, sad sound from the living room and when I went to look, it was my 9 month old puppy howling. His first howl ever. It was a sad sound but it was cute to see my puppy looking so "cinematic". Of course, I thought he was howling for his lost canine companion but upon closer inspection, he was howling at the song playing on the radio. To be sure, I downloaded the song from iTunes and each time I play it, Tonka runs to the room and begins howling. I researched this behavior online and experts say it's a very talented canine that howls to certain songs. Some say the dogs will even attempt to match the pitch of the song. Well folks, that's all this furkid mommy needs to know! There's TALENT in my household! Not that there was any needed because Tonka had already won my heart... Anyway, you can check my little musician out for yourself. Oh, don't worry about the spot on his nose. Tonka also likes playing in the shower, so the spot on his nose is just the drops of water that had not dried from his romp in the shower. Go figure... For those of you that want to know, Tonka's howl song is "I'm Yours" by Jason Mraz Enjoy!
I'm a complicated soul... Often misunderstood... A people watcher... Always thinking, always learning, always changing. My World, as I know it, is constantly evolving into the essence of who I am becoming. Layer upon layer until you see, the final ME...