Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Black Men Boycott R. Kelly

Hey, Hey folks! I can finally breathe! I just finished two presentations on how I manage technology in my classroom for a Technology Conference that is here this week. My boss "volunteered" my services which is how I got caught up doing this in the first place. I do consider it an honor, however, it's still stressful and intimidating to prepare and present to folks you've never met.
This is my summer vacation but I'm busier now than when I was on a 8-5 regular schedule!

On to the basis for my post today... Maybe I'm late on this one but better late than neva! I'm curious as to how you feel about the online petition going around boycotting The Urinator, oops!, I mean R. Kelly. I read the letter to Concerned African Americans and I read through a few of the signatures and comments...
I for one applaud the black man for putting his foot down and sticking up for us. We are the mother of civilization, a Queen to behold and the backbone of our race. We were born to walk with our men, not separate in this journey of life. I believe that just as I believe R. Kels was GUILTY of his crime. I do believe he deserved SOME kind of punishment but to me, the TRIAL itself was a mockery and was tainted several times over so it was predictable that he would be free in the end...
Introduce the petition
Sometimes, I think we (meaning us women) can get in the way of our own sake. *Here come the daggers...*
This petition was started by a man for men to speak up and have their say about one of the few times one of ours was let go when he should've gotten something MORE than the slap on the wrist he received. I read through a few pages of signatures, not all 1,261 (at the time I logged on) and there was signature after signature of women with their comments. That's all well and good but hey, I want to see 1,261 MEN stand up for me and my virtue... It's selfish, I know but it's my blog... (Just kidding) Seriously though, we women can be so impatient at times when all we have to do is sit back and give our guys some support from the side every once in a while. Heck, if we want to be heard that bad, we could start a Black Women Against the Exploitation of Black Women Petition...

Well that's just my two cents worth. Sometimes the smallest of things bother the heck out of me. Some of my co-workers say I have a Type A personality...

Until next time... say something positive or give a word of encouragement to a young lady you see or know... Part of our future depends on them.

Addition to the post. This is how R. Kelley got a not guilty verdict... Haaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!


12kyle said...

RKelly's case doesn't prove that he's innocent. It means that money and fame can BUY you some freedom. I'll be the first one to boycott his music. I don't like that dude.

Funny to hear people say that they are gonna support him. Wonder if they'd do that if his name was Robert Miles and he pee'd on their daughter or niece.

Good post

Beautifully.Conjured.Up said...

All I have to say is, I'm very disapointed in the legal system and in Robert Kelly's actions. This shows us what money can do, and it's sad.

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

rkelly is foul
is all i can say

Dione said...

12kyle- "I don't like that dude". Be honest about how ya feel bro!

BCU-Disappointed is an understatement because Kels really has talent. Money is the beginning and end of all evil.

RawDog-Yep. He's foul. No doubt.

All- My issue with this boycott is that it's Black Men against the exploitation of black women, yet, here are all my sistas, butting in, taking over when this is the time we need to stand aside and SUPPORT the men. Getting in the way in spite of ourselves...we are so impatient...