By now you know I spend a considerable amount of time watching people. Since I'm over 30, I have several YEARS of images in my head of stuff that just a'int right. Why do people go to such extremes or better yet, how can they NOT know betta?? Here's a list (not necessarily my top five or in any particular order) of Stuff That bothers me...
1. Sagging pants

Why?? What is the purpose for the saggy pants?? Where I teach has a dress code that requires a collared shirt and belt for all pants with loops. The guys look ready for success while at school but as soon as the 3pm bell rings, all I see as I drive home from work is underwear! Young fellas, this look is NOT Sexy and really does nothing for my faith in you as my gangsta savior...
2. Thinking just cause you have a chest, it's OK to "promote" them

What the heck is this?? When you can fully support a paperback book underneath your breast, without assistance, this type of shirt is off limits for you!! This, is also not sexy to me. When I think of what I want to wear to the club, it is nowhere remotely related to this! My family always taught me to carry myself in a lady like manner in public at ALL times. Save sumthin for my man's imagination. Let the freak out once you get home. It'll be well worth it for you AND him...
3. Tight pants

Over the years, I have gained weight. Lost it. Gained it again. Lost it again. U get da picture. (BTW, I'm the recent winner of The Biggest Loser on my job!) Anyway, one thing I've never forced was my huge azz in a pair of tight pants... with or without the weight. I've always been blessed back there:-) Come on! Be comfortable. Be ladylike tight, not "Beware she's gonna explode tight" and spare the rest of us the agony of seeing you struggle around the office or in the streets trying to keep air in your nether regions and the sound of your pants rubbing together like stockings as you walk past. Do u and us a favor, go the next size (or two) up...
4. Ghetto Prom pictures that circulate every Spring
Uhhhh... WTF?? Call me old fashioned but I believe children hit intimacy waaayyy to early these days. Heck, can they even identify how LOVE feels?? I'm not knockin nobody's mama that had them at an early age, fought the struggle and came out smelling like a rose... what does bother me is the fact that children these days glorify pregnancy just because they wanna have a "baby daddy". I've heard it many many times in my line of work. Young chics watching the guys go past and declaring to their friends "that one is gonna be my baby daddy..." I teach in a middle school and there are several mama's in our midst. Several. Missing school erry other day because they don't have a babysitter or money for diapers. Perpetuating the cycle instead of uplifting our legacy... then someone had the unmitigated gall to go to the prom with their young pregnant belly out like this!! Get mad at me if you want. Pregnancy and Prom dresses with the belly out do not go together. If you don't have respect for yourself, at least have respect for the dignity and miracle of an unborn child...
5. The Hell of Hillary...

Where can I begin and end on this one?? I'm guilty, just as many other people were of being an early Hillary supporter because Bill was our "brother from another mother" while he was in the White House. I mean he played the saxophone, lied about gettin it from the white girl, sported nappy hair... The Clintons may as well have been The Smiths, Jackson, Jeffersons,_______ *insert any other black family name*
How could I not think Hillary would be there for us? As this election has unfolded, I have not only withdrawn my support for her as a qualified candidate, but I've grown to dislike her more and more as a person. I've watched her lie about supporting the war, then deny she was ever involved, she lied and said her online campaign was collecting millions of dollars a day (where?? From your bank account to your campaign's?), she childishly attacked Senator Barack Obama when the nation (and Super Delegates) have given their support and money to the better candidate, and the clincher for me for that UGLY scowl she had at one of the televised debates! I'm getting off on a Hillary rampage so I betta leave well enough alone; for now...
Obviously, I have lots of stuff that bothers me but I'll leave it at five for now. What about you?? Give me the rundown of stuff that drives you insane...